Well the debate has been going on for many years since the proliferation of the internet , Mobile device/technology. According to international IT research powerhouse Gartner Inc, consumer spending grew past $2.1 Trillion in 2012 on Digital devices, content and services.
The death of print media is neither here nor there and the age old argument that newspaper print and other print will soon be dead is but talk and only talk. After 10 years of Print is dying, print is dead blah blah blah.
We see an increasing number of new magazines being printed and due to the increase of publications the market demands online content for ease of use but newspaper is still want they want to hold.
This article
http://www.bizcommunity.com/Article/196/15/92694.html indicates that consumers still prefer print over mobile devices but notwithstanding the growth of mobile devices and technology. We will see a dip in print, but not to sound like a stuck record but print will be here for years to come. Who knows, maybe someday when this blog is in a museum, will the next three generations ask, Mom, Dad what is a newspaper? But for as long as we have toilets, newspapers are here to stay.
These are my views and only my views and not that of any company, corporation or any other legal entities. #SMED13